Saturday, January 12, 2008

The Minutemen: Sturmabteilung of the Falwell Set

The Minutemen are coming! Last night, at the Conway, South Carolina High School* the Minutemen, or as I prefer to call them, the Minute [my-noot] Men held a rally to decry illegal immigration and nail Senator Lindsey Graham's ass to a wall (verbally, at least). I guess his winking at torture is still okay, but his "pro-illegal alien" stance is not, although the crowd seems to forget that politcians are often actors and double dealers (Say it ain't so!) Be that as it may, some bright bulb bemoaned the danger Mexicans pose to "our culture and our way of life," and for the life of me I couldn't discern what culture he was alluding to, since the Euroamericans in the crowd, in my experience, know breathtaking little about the culture of their forebears, and when presented with the liberal, and for the most part tolerant Europe of today seem to react with disgust. As for "our way of life," that's been eroding for decades thanks to the very people the Minutemen idolize: Reagan, the Bush family, white CEOs in general, and tax dollars which pay for huge military boondoggles that only serve to line the pockets of, well, the very people who throw the likes of the Minutemen out of work. But this whole sordid tale is really part of a bigger history, one of divide-and-control that is even more tragic because this one seems voluntary, i.e., the formerly quiescent Heartland has decided to allow the Rich White Gated Community Crowd (TM) that loathes them to once again get richer and more corrupt with nary a complaint from the true Amerkins.

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